Career Planning Course


To support and guide students in determining and planning their careers based on their talents, skills, competencies, personality, and knowledge. Amid uncertain global developments, the course also aims to introduce students to various career paths, different work environments, and diverse working lives in various sectors, including public institutions and organizations, the private sector, academia, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Therefore, in addition to the regular classes, guest speakers from the private sector, public sector, academia, NGOs, entrepreneurs, and professionals are invited to the course.

Content and Implementation

The Career Planning course will be conducted using weekly prepared videos and activities in accordance with the draft framework created by the Presidential Human Resources Office. The course will be enriched with guest trainers from university faculty, industry professionals, non-governmental organizations, and international organizations.

Supporting activities included in the course are designed to inform students about the methods and tools used in professional applications and to help them acquire the skills to use these tools effectively. These activities will be supported by practical exercises. Career centers will follow the course practically with activities that offer students opportunities to develop their skills.

A proposed program for the structure and content of the course is provided below. This program may vary according to the characteristics of the universities and the departments of the students taking the course.

Learning Outcomes

Career Planning begins with self-awareness and the exploration of one’s potential. The aim of this course is to help students gain awareness of their interests, personal characteristics, and values, enabling them to plan their careers in alignment with their future goals. The course aims to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  1. Recognition of Career Centers and Their Activities: Ensure that students are aware of the services offered by the Career Center and establish a connection between the Career Center and students.
  2. Increased Self-Awareness: Enable students to learn about concepts such as intelligence, personality, knowledge, skills, talents, and competencies, and understand their connection to career planning.
  3. Exploration of Career Options: Allow students to familiarize themselves with various sectors such as public sector, private sector, academia, and non-governmental organizations, understand differences between sectors, and gain insight into working life in these fields.
  4. Development of Soft Skills: Raise awareness about the importance of developing soft skills in the career process.
  5. Discovery of Career-Contributing Activities: Inform students about activities outside of their academic courses that can contribute to their careers during their university life.
  6. Recognition of International Exchange Programs: Increase students’ awareness of how international exchange programs contribute to personal development and academic life and positively impact their career plans.
  7. Recognition of Talent Gate: Educate students about how they can receive guidance from Career Centers through the Talent Gate, and apply for activities such as fairs, seminars, workshops, and internship opportunities.